Wired vs Wireless Lighting Controls

October 15, 2021

Wired vs Wireless Lighting Controls

If you are planning to upgrade or install new lighting controls, you might be wondering whether to choose wired or wireless controls. It can be challenging to choose between the two options because both have their advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will compare wired and wireless lighting controls to help you decide which system to use for your lighting needs.

Wired Lighting Controls

Wired lighting controls are connected by wires, which are usually installed behind the walls. They are physically connected to the light fixtures, and the controls are operated through switches, dimmers or a central controller. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of wired lighting controls:


  • Reliability: Wired lighting controls are the most reliable form of control as they are not subject to interference from other devices.
  • Consistency: Because wired lighting controls are physically connected to the fixtures, there are no signal dropouts or delays.
  • Security: Wired lighting controls are more secure than wireless controls, as there is no risk of hacking or interference.
  • Compatibility: Wired controls are compatible with a wide range of different lighting fixtures and bulbs.


  • Installation Cost: The installation of wired systems can be expensive, as it requires the installation of wiring behind walls and ceilings.
  • Installation Time: The installation process of wired systems is also time-consuming, which may further add to the overall installation cost.
  • Flexibility: Once installed, it can be challenging to change the positioning and layout of wired lighting controls.

Wireless Lighting Controls

Wireless lighting controls operate using radiofrequency or infrared signals to communicate between the control device and the light fixtures. The control devices are usually operated using a mobile device or remote control. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of wireless lighting controls:


  • Ease of Installation: Wireless lighting controls are less time-consuming to install as they don't require wiring to be installed.
  • Flexibility: Wireless lighting controls are more flexible and can be repositioned with ease, making them ideal for retrofit projects.
  • Affordability: Wireless lighting controls tend to be less expensive to install, as there are no hidden installation costs for wiring systems.


  • Interference: Wireless systems are susceptible to interference from other devices that operate using radiofrequency or infrared signals, and walls can also affect signals, causing signal dropouts.
  • Security: Wireless systems are less secure than wired systems, with a higher risk of hacking or interference.
  • Compatibility: Wireless systems are more limited in compatibility with different lighting fixtures and bulbs.


As with any technology, there are pros and cons to each solution, so the choice of wired or wireless lighting controls ultimately depends on your unique needs and requirements. If you value reliability, consistency and compatibility, wired systems may be a better fit. Conversely, if you desire flexibility, easy installation and affordability, the wireless lighting systems could be right for you.


  1. Wired vs Wireless Lighting Control Overview - LEDs Magazine
  2. Wired vs Wireless Lighting Controls: Making the Right Choice for Your Space - Revital Lighting
  3. Wireless or Wired Lighting Control? - Electrical Construction & Maintenance Magazine.

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